Action 27. Mobilize their networks and work with communities to help build treatment literacy, generate demand, and expand access to ARVs among children.
Action 34. Increase efforts to share information on the roll-out of new paediatric formulations, including lessons learned.
Paediatric HIV & TB : Rome Action Plan
All partners commit to:
163. Address inequities by tackling the stigma and discrimination in communities, schools, and healthcare settings that prevent children living with HIV from accessing testing and treatment.
164. Increase literacy about CD4 testing and viral load and promote a client-centred approach to support expansion of access to viral load for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children on treatment, including at the point-of-care.
165. Review and assess emerging co-infections for immunocompromised infants and children, including those with advanced HIV disease, such as severe bacterial infections, fungal infections, and others for country consideration and implementation.
166. Engage affected communities for input and guidance on investment and programmatic priorities, provide support to in-country civil society organizations to engage in advocacy and demand creation for new tools, and ensure data is publicly available to support communities and civil society to monitor progress regarding uptake and implementation of essential diagnostic tools.
The Union commits to:
447. Continue to support countries to prioritize the identification, diagnosis, and scale-up of TB preventive treatment, including children living with HIV, including via the Union Sub Saharan Africa Centre of Excellence for Child and Adolescent TB as well as in countries where we are working with National TB programmes.
448. Support the scale-up of access to priority formulations and diagnostics and to take steps to facilitate their wider roll-out including by performing operational research and ensuring The Union's existing paediatric publications and training tools are up to date and disseminated widely in a number of languages to promote the highest standard of care for all children with or at risk of TB.
449. Advocate for the rights of all children, including those living with HIV, to receive TB care and treatment and promote a human-rights based approach to TB; to urge governments to ensure that all children have access to the latest formulations and models of care for TB prevention and care; and to work together to reduce stigma and discrimination that stops children from accessing care that they need. – keep.