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2022 Rome Action Plan on Paediatric HIV & TB


Cameroon commits to:


485. Take the appropriate actions (such as mobilize resources, identify sites, create capacity, prioritize for EMR set up, analyse, and share data) to support surveillance for birth defects and other birth outcomes in pregnant women living with HIV or at risk of HIV who are receiving antiretroviral drugs periconception and/or during pregnancy. This is particularly needed for TAF, DRV/r and the long-acting ARVs for prevention and treatment, such as CAB LA, where drug exposure can occur even if the drug is stopped up to a year prior to conception.


486. Accelerate transition to more optimal regimens and formulations much as described in 2021 WHO Guidelines and Optimal formulary by:

i. Enhancing efforts to fully roll out pDTG for 1st and 2nd line so that uptake is completed by Q2 2023

ii. Actively transition All stable infants and children to DTG-based regimen irrespective of VL availability by Q2 2023

iii. Securing appropriate quantities of LPVr granules for the small proportion of children who don't tolerate DTG


487. Improve communication and capacity between MOH, Paediatric TWG, supply chain colleagues, and healthcare workers to improve forecasting of Paediatric ARVs and anticipate shortages and stockouts by establishing routine collaboration pathways. A routine communication plan should also be established between facilities to allow for stock to move more readily between facilities in situations of stock out or low stock.

488. Undertake preparatory work to:

i. Accelerate the introduction of pALD by not overstocking ABC/3TC 120/60 mg and DTG 10 mg.
ii. Facilitate co-formulated DRV/r introduction and transition from other PI based regimens in

children 3 and older.



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