Action 27. Mobilize their networks and work with communities to help build treatment literacy, generate demand, and expand access to ARVs among children.
Action 34. Increase efforts to share information on the roll-out of new paediatric formulations, including lessons learned.
Paediatric HIV & TB : Rome Action Plan
34. Tackle the stigma and discrimination in communities, schools, and healthcare settings that prevent children living with HIV from accesing testing and treatment.
35. Promote provider initiated testing and counseling (PITC) of children outside PMTCT settings, testing of children of index HIV cases and siblings of HIV infected children, and pursue innovative avenues to identifying children living with HIV of all ages and ensuring access to testing and treatment.
36. Promote and support virological (rather than serological) testing at the 9 months of age time point for all HIV-exposed infants per WHO 2018 EID algorithm changes.
37. Support rational integration and scale up of point of care virologic platforms within laboratory networks for timely identification and monitoring of infants and children with HIV.
38. Increase literacy about viral load and promote a client-centered approach to support expansion of access to viral load for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children on treatment.
39. Advocate for the elimination of user fees from diagnostic and health services in both the public and private sector.
Explore the development of a device-free POC EID.
Consideration of the Inclusion of HIV-2 for EID and viral load for conventional and POC testing in new technology development.
Development of connectivity solutions that can easily offer interoperability with national laboratory health information and quality systems.
Development of, in collaboration with governments and other stakeholders, sustainable waste management solutions that are incorporated into existing national biosafety systems for the appropriate disposal of toxic laboratory products. Ensure that new products in the pipeline are environmentally friendly.
60. UNAIDS has launched both the 2019 Global report and the 2019 Start Free Stay Free Aids Free report highlighting the main results on PMTCT and paediatrics that show the failure to reach the 2018 targets. On 12 December 2019, the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) thematic segment will focus on children and youth and give the opportunity to discuss strategies to increase uptake of services to children and youth.