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110. Work with country stakeholders to develop a platform and mechanism to ensure all commitments turn into action


111. Support countries to develop national strategic plans and Global Fund concept notes that are data driven and addressing the needs of children in the entire patient pathway.


112. Collaborate and coordinate with in-country professional and regulatory bodies to ensure countries are prepared for early uptake of new innovations/medicines and develop a plan for scale up.


113. Produce high quality documentation of our best practices and evidence to share at global platforms to guide global policies and guidelines.


114. Engage with civil society to create sense of urgency at country level to ensure all children needs related to TB/HIV are implemented


115. Support countries in scaling up the stool test with GeneXpert for TB diagnosis in children including development of generic SOP’s and training materials.


Commitment 110:

April 2021

  • Members of Childhood TB technical working groups at country level 


Commitment 111:

June 2021

  • Completed for 10 countries with support of Gates foundation using PCF approach; currently monitoring implementation.


April 2021

  • Completed for 10 countries with support of Gates foundation using PCF approach


Commitment 112:

April 2021

  • Part of 2021 plan


Commitment 113:

April 2021

  • Ongoing


Commitment 114:

April 2021

  • Ongoing


Commitment 115:

June 2021

  • Completed, launched SOS GeneXpert tools for childhood TB diagnosis; currently exploring with donors to support countries for scale up.


April 2021

  • Completed, launched SOS GeneXpert tools for childhood TB diagnosis 


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