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Action 4
Committed by:
In collaboration with other partners, continue to revise the Optimal ARV Formulary and ensure its inclusion in Essential Medicine List
World Health Organization (WHO)
Sub-action 4.1

Revise Optimal ARV Formulary relative to reflect PADO 3 discussions


Optimal formulary and limited used list were revised in June 2018 along with a policy brief on:  TRANSITIONING TO AN OPTIMAL PAEDIATRIC ARV FORMULARY: IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS. They were included in the AIDS FREE toolkit for broad dissemination. A number of webinars have enabled dissemination and a dedicated one will be convened in early 2019.


WHO will work with ARV Procurement Working Group (APWG) to organize a meeting (possibly virtual) to revise the formulary. May/June 2018.



APWG to consider more frequent updates (outside of formal meetings) 

Sub-action 4.2

Ensure updated Optimal ARV Formulary is included in the Essential Medicine List




Milestone 4.2.1

WHO updates Essential Medecine List in line with outcomes of APWG revisions of the formulary (submissions to be made by Nov 2018; decisions in April 2019).


Submission for modifications of EML planned for November.


Sub-Actions & Milestones




Milestone 4.1.1
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